Drag is LGBTQ+ History, Culture and Religion


Drag shows bring people together. Drag can be beautiful and glamorous or clownish and funny.

Drag can be athletic and graceful. Drag can feature the talent of lip-syncing or live vocal performance.

Drag subverts the imagined binary and reveals the many layers and cross sections within us all.

Drag artists are shamans and social Justice warriors. Drag helps people explore gender complexity.

Drag has raised money for countless charities.

Drag kings and queens know that drag uniquely reveals a person’s truth, courage, and creativity.

Drag families and communities have nurtured people rejected by others.

Drag is powerful, and it’s empowering to those who have been rejected, dehumanized, and unfairly vilified.

That’s why it’s under attack. It’s free speech. It’s free expression. It’s the right to assemble. It’s nonviolent liberation.

The descendants of Stonewall will prevail. The badassery of Drag is so obvious that state governments are trying to destroy it.

But tyranny’s victories are never permanent and the power of drag can’t be bullied away.

–Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins

Senior Minister, Sunshine Cathedral

About Sunshine Cathedral

Sunshine Cathedral is The World’s Largest Progressive Queer Church with both a local and global congregation of over 30,000. Celebrating 51 years, the Church is physically located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We are a progressive spiritual community with deep roots in Christian worship as well as the Gay Rights movement. While Jesus is our primary faith symbol we are non-dogmatic and are open to the truths expressed in various religions, philosophies, poetry, art, and science. We at Sunshine Cathedral affirm that all people have sacred value (“You are God’s miracle and not God’s mistake”), that God is omnipresent Love, and while we love the bible we tend to interpret it allegorically rather than literally. We resist weaponizing scripture and we believe religion is wrongly used when it is used to demonize, dehumanize, and demoralize people. Learn more at