Loaves & Fishes

On the first Sunday of each month, our Loaves and Fishes Team is available to collect your non-perishable food donations for distribution to local Food Banks including Sunshine Cathedral’s Food Sharing Program, LifeNet4Families, and The Pantry of Broward.

Suggested non-perishable food items include:
Canned soups and individual pasta meals
Canned fruits and vegetables
Individual cups of fruit and applesauce
Canned meats such as tuna and chicken
Single serving packages of tuna/chicken salad with crackers
Dry pasta and sauce
Cereals such as oatmeal and grits
Granola and cereal bars
Snack items such as potato chips, sandwich crackers, nuts, and dried fruit

And if you forget to bring your Loaves and Fishes food donations on the first Sunday, you may leave them at any time in the designated boxes located in the Narthex and the Welcome Center.

Monetary donations are also appreciated – Donate Now!

If you have any questions about Sunshine Cathedral’s Loaves and Fishes Ministry, please contact Rev. Anne (anne@sunshinecathedral.net) or Amy Walker (amwftl@gmail.com)

Prayer Requests

Silent Helpers Prayer Ministry

You can hear a prayer at anytime by calling 954.462.2004 (press 6)

Centering Thought:
“I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.”
John 10.10 

We pray for the following ~ 
CG; Liz G. & her daughter; Chris R.; Mark M.; Cody & Alex; Linda W.; Kelly T.; Susan K.; Nick & Eddie & their loved ones; Michelle R. & Denise; Adrian; one who grieves; one who has legal challenges; Ed J.; Colleen; Christy; Courtney; Elaine; Gina; Clay; Rick; Jaime; Lewis family; Sean T.; Julie B.; TB’s brother; Michelle L.; Karyn & Christian; Paul R.; John M.’s nephew; Beverly H.; Georgian; Jack; Jane; Gary’s daughter; Raul; Jesse; Nancy’s friend; Mark’s mom; Stephanie and Vivian and “mom”; Teresa’s dad; Melissa; Nikki; Eve; Ismael; Roberta’s dad; Anita; CJ; Denise’s friend; Barbara (of blessed memory); Ted K.; Amy; Wayne; Scott; Patrick ; Wanda; Steve; Margie; Wayne S.; Kim; medical practitioners; children detained at the U.S. border; Ann & Deb; Carol & Richard B.; Scott A.; Grace; Emma; Peggy; Troy P.; Global Justice Institute; the Sunshine Cathedral;
Let us pray: 
Lord Jesus, you said you wanted us to have abundant life.
May we want abundant living for all people, too.
In a world of great resources,
people are hungry and malnourished.
In a world of beautiful diversity,
there remains bigotry and hatred.
In an age of medical miracles, people suffer
from lack of adequate healthcare.
In a very populated world, people are lonely.
May we notice the pain of others.
May we do our part to offer hope and healing.
May we actively wish for all people to have abundant lives, including these who have been entrusted to our prayers.


Church Office Phone: 954-462-2004

1480 SW 9th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale
Florida 33315-1275 USA


Darren Loli, Director of Communications:
(954) 900-8863


Sunshine Cathedral Board of Directors

Board Officers
Mary Fedoration, Chair
Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins, Vice Chair
Melody Fiore, Treasurer
Allan Dewes, Secretary
Cathy Tullo
John Kent
Linda Edin
Rick Brown
Robert McCormick
Twila Wilson


Board Meetings of the Sunshine Cathedral are currently held via Zoom due to COVID-19 on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. If you have questions/comments please contact Sunshine Cathedral Board of Directors through this form here.